Danske Bank

For over 150 years, Danske Bank has played a pivotal role in fostering growth and development across the societies it serves. The bank’s deep-rooted commitment to helping individuals, families, businesses, and organizations achieve their ambitions has been central to its evolution. Through expert advisory services, innovative financial solutions, and a strong focus on sustainable growth, Danske Bank has continually supported its customers in unlocking their full potential.

With a long-term ambition to promote sustainable development, Danske Bank works diligently every day to be the best possible institution—not just for its customers, but also for its employees, shareholders, and the broader societies in which it operates.


Our Contributions to Danske Bank

  • Innovation Unit

  • B2B Digital Unit

  • Asset Finance Tribe

Innovation Unit

Our first engagement with Danske Bank began in 2018, when we partnered with the Innovation Unit to enhance Agile Ways of Working across their teams. This effort was part of a larger, bank-wide initiative supported by the Agile Ways of Working Center of Excellence. Different areas of the bank received tailored expertise to meet their specific needs, and we were excited to play a pivotal role in this transformation.

As our engagement progressed, we expanded our support by facilitating Google Design Sprints, helping teams rapidly validate or discontinue potential ideas. Additionally, we introduced Sociocracy 3.0 patterns to foster team collaboration and ensure the best ideas were nurtured and moved forward.

Most recently, we collaborated with EY Consultants on Project Motion, advising the bank on its innovation strategy. Our goal was to help ensure Danske Bank remains one of the most recognized financial institutions in the Nordics, with innovation at the heart of its mission.

B2B Digital Unit

In 2019, we joined the B2B Digital Unit, focusing on their flagship product, District. This product was unique in scale and generated significant interest both internally and externally. Our role was to support the Agile Ways of Working, support the integration of UX/CX experts with other teams and guide leaders in aligning their values and objectives.

We utilized the Competing Values Framework (CVF) Workshop, a key component of our Agility in Leadership & Organizations. This workshop fosters alignment among leadership teams by revealing where their organization stands today and—more importantly—where it aspires to be in the future. Facilitating these conversations early in the engagement helps uncover different perspectives and build consensus on the way forward. This process is crucial, as it sets a unified direction that resonates throughout the organization.

Asset Finance Tribe

In 2020, we joined the Asset Finance Tribe as part of Danske Bank’s Agile Transformation initiative, which encompassed 4,700 employees. Our tribe was one of the first five to validate the new operational model, which would later be rolled out to an additional twenty-two tribes. This transformation was supported by both internal staff and external consultants from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Within the Asset Finance Tribe, we helped eleven squads collaborate with a one-month alignment cycle, while coordination with other tribes occurred quarterly through the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) and the Annual Business Review (ABR). The tribe’s launch began with two weeks of Agility training for all team members, followed by extensive mentoring and coaching.

While some squads adapted quickly to the new methods, others required more personalized support. For instance, the Solutions & Insights squad initially worked more comfortably with Kanban rather than Scrum. By meeting the team where they were and gradually guiding them toward the broader organizational approach, we were able to tailor the transformation to their specific needs. This is where the value of experienced coaches truly shines—ensuring that the transformation is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a customized journey for each team within the organization.

